
Services for Resident Students


Live-In Residential Support 和 Programming

的 Office of Residence Life 和 Housing provides a safe, 包容性和高质量的住宿体验,获得课程, 服务和员工在有利于学习的环境中培养社区意识. 的 office, 由专职专业人员、行政人员和学生员工组成, responds to the needs of the resident population. 我们每年为住校学生提供400多个活动,包括社交活动和领导力发展机会.

Area Coordinators (ACs)Resident Directors (RDs) are full-time, 住宿的专业工作人员经过培训,可以有效地处理学生生活和宿舍管理问题. ac和rd负责其指定宿舍的生活质量,并监督一组学生宿舍助理. 助理助理和助理助理从下午5点开始轮流值班.m. 当办公室关闭,并保持可ladbrokes立博中文版,直到第二天上午9点.m. when the offices reopen.

Resident Assistants (RAs) 选择学生是因为他们的领导能力和人际交往能力吗. 助理教师住在宿舍里,为各种主题提供支持,从个人和学术问题到冲突调解和项目实施. 每晚7点起,每个宿舍至少有一名宿舍管理员值班.m. 直到7点。.m. the next day.


Residence Hall Association (RHA)

Resident students gain confidence, both academically 和 socially, by becoming active in their residence hall communities. RHA由学生管理,并与大学职员密切合作,为住客提供领导机会, plan 和 implement activities, 和 recommend policy changes affecting the residence halls. RHA oversees expenditures of the residential activity fee.


Roommate Resources

对于许多新生来说,住在校园里是他们第一次和别人合住一个房间. Our Residence Life staff has created a guide for Living with Roommates.


TV, Cable 和 Wi-Fi Services

ResNet 服务包括互联网、打印机、有线电视以及电影流媒体. BSU在所有宿舍,教室和行政大楼提供100%的无线覆盖.

ResNet为住校学生提供定制的Xfinity有线电视服务. 我们的节目125+高清频道包括体育频道和许多其他喜爱. A digital TV with a QAM tuner is required.

Stream movies 和 TV! ResNet影院允许学生在校园通过我们的点播网站播放最新发布的电影, as well as on BSU cable TV channels.


Residential Security

All residence halls are locked at all times. 保安人员帮助确保社区安全,每天16小时监控宿舍出入情况, from 11 a.m–3 a.m. 由全职住宅安全主任及学生保安主任负责. Learn more about Residential 健康 & 安全”



每个宿舍都有现代化的、技术增强的洗衣机和烘干机. 学生们可以通过一个名为洗衣View的移动应用程序服务来跟踪他们的洗衣进度 BSU Mobile App or a st和-alone download.


Bathroom Cleaning

Each building has a bathroom cleaning schedule. 的 schedules can be found on the residence hall info pages. 请记住,维修人员不能碰私人物品, 在维修人员进入清洁之前,每个浴室应清除个人物品.


Facilities 和 Maintenance

If something breaks in a student's room during the semester, 学生可以通过工单申请系统提交工单. 可以为灯泡烧坏之类的事情提交工单, furniture malfunction, or any problem encountered in a space.

Facilities Management may be contacted at 508.531.1296.
Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m.–11 p.m
周六 from 8:45 a.m.–5 p.m.

After 11 p.m. 和 on weekends, call the BSU Police Department at 508.531.1212.


Vending Machines



Connect Card

Connect Card ladbrokes立博中文版的官方身份证是一种方便的方式来获得广泛的校园服务吗. 它可以在食堂用于您的膳食计划,也可以作为参与商家的校内和校外借记卡. 连接卡是大学的图书卡,用于控制学生宿舍的出入.


停车 for Resident Students

24学分以上的住校学生可在校园内驾车. 所有在校园内停放的机动车必须持有有效的车牌证或临时通行证. For more information contact the 停车 Services Office at 508.531.2897.

泊车服务处理停车场资料(包括残障人士及访客泊车), 协助处理停车罚单申诉,并为学生发放临时停车证和停车贴, 教师, staff 和 frequent visitors.



BSU Transit 为BSU社区的所有成员提供免费和连续的校园交通(以及每天五次进入Brockton的28号公路).

Day service runs Monday through Friday, 7:15 a.m.–7 p.m.晚上和周末服务时间为周日至周六晚7点.m.–2 a.m. On-call until 2 am.


健康 Center

健康 Center位于韦根大厅,为所有学生提供医疗和心理健康服务. 的 clinic provides walk-in 和 scheduled counseling appointments; scheduled health service appointments; 和 diagnostic tests for streptococcus 和 mononucleosis, among other conditions.


Tobacco Free Policy



Residence Hall 政策

看到 Student H和book 有关BSU宿舍楼的政策和规则的更多细节.


Student Employment Opportunities


  • Resident Assistant​
  • Program Assistant
  • Office Assistant​
  • Student Security Officer
  • Summer Conference Assistant
  • Summer Desk Assistant

Learn more about student employment »




Student Name
45 School Street
c/o Mail Services
Bridgewater State University
Bridgewater, MA 02325


Mail Pickup for Students Living in Residence Halls

邮件不会直接寄给住在宿舍的学生. 所有学生的邮件都在蒂灵哈斯特大厅的邮件服务中心进行集中处理, 022室,学生可到邮件服务处领取. Students retrieving mail or packages should bring their ID.