This is a content holder for the one button emergency notification system.



日期 描述
周三,8月. 30 & 周四,8月. 31, 2023 北京州立大学新生入学参加迎新活动. (学生将通过电子邮件注册一个日期和时间.)
周日,9月. 2023年9月3日-周二. 5, 2023 返校学生入住. (学生将通过电子邮件注册一个日期和时间.)
星期四,12月. 21, 2023 所有宿舍下午5点关门.m. 为了寒假.
星期天,1月. 14, 2024 宿舍开放春季学期下午1点.m.
星期五,2024年3月1日 所有宿舍下午5点关门.m. 春假
周日,2024年3月10日 所有宿舍在下午1点重新开放.m.
2024年5月8日,星期三 所有宿舍在下午12点关门.m. 这个学期



If I am having a problem once I arrive to campus, who should I contact?

The Resident Assistant or RA is the first person a student should contact if they are having problems on campus. Resident Assistants are student leaders who live with the resident students 和 are selected 和 trained to help establish a healthy residence community. They either assist directly or provide referrals for questions or concerns with academics, 安全与保障, 生理或心理健康, 以及其他一些关于校园生活的话题. The next level of support is the Area Coordinators (AC) 和 Resident Director (RD). ACs 和 RDs are full-time, professional staff that work 和 live in the buildings. They supervise student staff 和 are responsible for the overall management or the residence hall(s) to which they are assigned. Students having difficulty on campus can also come to the Office of 居住生活和住房, 位于DiNardo大厅, 100房间. 电话号码是508.531.1277.


每个房间都配有超长单人床, 梳妆台, 带椅子的桌子, 壁橱和书架. 指定为“额外占用”的房间有一张额外的床.


这三种服务都是ResNet(常驻网络)计划的一部分. 一笔费用, 与住宿学生的住宿费分开, 提供无限本地拨号, 呼叫等待, 语音邮件, 降低长途话费, 有线电视, 溢价体育, 音乐和电影频道, 居住生活影院, 高速互联网接入和无线互联网接入. Information about ResNet will be provided with your assignment information. 具体问题可致电ResNet热线508查询.531.7999或电邮至 看到 居民服务.

How do I record the condition of my room when I move-in 和 move-out?

Each student is required to complete a Room Condition Report (RCR) with an RLH staff member, 通常是大楼里的RA. The RCR is a form each student has the opportunity to view as they move in, 它列出了每件家具和房间的物理结构, 和 see what conditions/damages are already present in the room/suite/apartment. The RCR is then used after a student moves out to determine the damages that occurred during their stay. Students are responsible for an damages that occur in the entire space during their stay, 在学生搬离后,由AC或RD评估损坏情况.

我该带什么呢?? 还有什么是我不能带来的?

查看我们建议的 装箱单.



  • 微波炉一台(1000瓦以下)
  • 一个搅拌机
  • 一台咖啡机
  • 一台冰箱(最多1台.4总安培或不超过3.2立方英尺)

Students assigned to Weyg和 Hall 和 the Great Hill Student Apartments have university provided full-size refrigerators 和 therefore are not allowed to bring in additional refrigerators.

The following items are allowed in the kitchen area of the Great Hill Student Apartments only:

  • 一个烤面包机
  • 一个烤面包机
  • 一个乔治·福尔曼式烤架
  • 电饭煲一个


  • All cooking 和 food preparation appliances (except as listed above)
  • 空调
  • 蜡烛
  • 香炉
  • 烤架
  • 空间加热器
  • 圆靶
  • Pets (except fish 和 those permitted under the Americans with Disabilities legislation)
  • 自制阁楼或双层床
  • 煤渣砖和其他床上放样设备
  • 软垫家具(i.e. 用织物和/或填充物/填料覆盖的家具)
  • Hoverboards 和 Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Devices (EPAMDs)

The possession of any prohibited items may result in a referral to the Office of Community St和ards.

I am an International 和/or Exchange Student, what information should I know before arriving at BSU?

Undergraduate exchange students will be provided with housing on campus during both the Fall 和 Spring semesters, but must fill out our housing forms in order to receive a housing assignment. Students coming for the fall semester will receive information by the end of May from us detailing how to submit their Residence Hall License Agreement 和 a Roommate Questionnaire. All exchange students who intend to live in university housing must complete these forms. Students coming for the spring semester will receive this information by the end of November.

请注意,虽然学生可以提交偏好, BSU对住房的需求很高,选择有限. Incoming students with fewer than 24 credits are housed in the freshmen areas. Because upper-class students select their housing assignments for the following year during the spring semester, there are few spaces available in our newer facilities for incoming students. Students who plan to live on-campus should remain flexible with their housing choices.

Typically incoming exchange students have been assigned to live in a traditional residence hall with American students to better experience American culture. 在校园, most students live with at least one roommate (share one room) 和 share bathroom facilities with numerous students. Residence hall rooms are furnished with beds (extra long twin mattresses), 桌子, 局, 和衣柜/衣柜(s). Residence hall rooms are equipped with one data connection per student. 学生负责提供床上用品, 毛巾, 台灯, 以及他们喜欢的其他物品.

The residence halls are open when classes are in session 和 during portions of designated breaks. There will be periods of time when there is no housing available on campus 和 students will need to make other arrangements. This includes the two weeks between fall semester closing 和 the new year. Housing is available on campus during the remainder of winter break 和 for all of spring break for an additional fee. 欲知详情,请浏览 国际学生和ladbrokes立博中文版服务(ISSS)国际学生和交换生录取信息.




Every student is responsible for checking out of their room/suite/apartment when they move out. Students need to check out with a 居住生活和住房 staff member, 这包括RAs, rd和ac. RAs are on duty every night in every building in the RA office from 7 p.m.–12 a.m. If a student is moving out 和 needs to check-out outside of the RA duty hours they will need to make arrangements ahead of time with the RD or AC in their building. 学生还可以选择完成一项 特快结帐表格 和 return it to the Office of 居住生活和住房 in DiNardo.

How do I record the condition of my room when I move-in 和 move-out?

Each student is required to complete a Room Condition Report (RCR) with an RLH staff member, 通常是大楼里的RA. The RCR is a form each student has the opportunity to view as they move in, 它列出了每件家具和房间的物理结构, 和 see what conditions/damages are already present in the room/suite/apartment. The RCR is then used after a student moves out to determine the damages that occurred during their stay. Students are responsible for an damages that occur in the entire space during their stay, 在学生搬离后,由AC或RD评估损坏情况.